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Stuart Donnan @ www.donnan.net


but words are often needed and there are lots of words on this website

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Beryl Donnan, Stuart's wife of more than 50 years, died in January 2016 after many years of disability and illness. Some of the books on this website arise out of their experiences. In addition, some of Beryl's writing, both academic and personal, has been retained here.

More personal details of Beryl and the family are given on the donnan-family website here.


Extreme caring – you have to go on

– a search for meaning in life with stroke and dementia

Reviews of the book with photographs in colour and with full notes (with web links) are here.

The reflections of a trained and intelligent mind on the meaning of caring and of life seen through the lens of “extreme caring” are relevant to us all.
The book meets the critical question following a reading. Do I wish to press it on my friends? A resounding “Yes”.

Professor Sir Robert Boyd, formerly Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of London

This is a compelling account of the changes and challenges that a couple had to face after a stroke in May 2000. It is a well- researched, scholarly, yet moving account.
Professor Sir Charles George, former Chairman of the Stroke Association UK

Faith when words and memory fail

– reflections on a spiritual life with stroke and dementia

Extreme caring was written for those who wish to understand more about what it is like to live with a stroke and the subsequent illnesses and disabilities, especially disturbances of memory, and also for those who are caring for, or have cared for, people with problems like these.

Separated into a companion book Faith when words and memory fail are Stuart's philosophical and theological reflections about their experiences. The separation is partly because of length, and partly because while some readers may be very concerned about those aspects, other readers may not be particularly interested.

This companion book is in preparation - expected release is early 2017 (see here).

Academic and other publications
and other personal words

Stuart Donnan's major publications from Manchester, Hong Kong, and Southampton are here

Beryl Donnan's thesis on Feminist Theology, from Manchester is here

Other personal writing

Stuart Donnan     Beryl Donnan