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Authority in Feminist Biblical Interpretation


For the full contents of "Authority in Feminist Biblical Interpretation" by Beryl Donnan, and other online sections see here.

The writings of Elizabeth
Schüssler Fiorenza referred to in Beryl's thesis of 1996-7 are given first.  Some of her subsequent books are also shown next.
Other authors referred to in Beryl's thesis are then given in alphabetical order.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, 'Feminist Theology as a Critical Theology of Liberation', in Theological Studies, Vol 36, 1975, pp 605-626.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, 'Interpreting Patriarchal Traditions', in L.M. Russell editor, The Liberating Word, Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1976, pp 39-61.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, 'Word, Spirit and Power: Women in Early Christian Communities', in R. R. Ruether & E. McLaughlin editors, Women of Spirit, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1979, pp 29-70.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, 'Feminist Spirituality, Christian Identity and Catholic Vision' in C.P. Christ & J. Plaskow, Womanspirit Rising, Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1979, pp 136-148.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, In Memory of Her, S.C.M. Press, London, 1983.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, Bread not Stone, Beacon Press, Boston, 1984.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, 'For Women in Men's Worlds: A Critical Feminist Theology of Liberation', in Concilium 171, Different Theologies, Common Responsibility, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1984, pp 32-39.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, 'Roundtable Discussion on Feminist Methodology', in Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Vol 1, No 2, 1985, pp 73-78.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, 'The Will to Choose or to Reject: Continuing our Critical Work', in L.M. Russell editor, Feminist Interpretation of the Bible, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1985, pp 125-136.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, 'The Ethics of Biblical Interpretation: Decentering Biblical Scholarship', in Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol 107, No 1, March 1988, pp 3-17.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, 'Biblical Interpretation and Critical Commitment', in Studia Theologica, Vol 43, No 1, 1989, Akademisk Forlag, Copenhagen, pp 5-18.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, But She Said, Beacon Press, Boston, 1992.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, Discipleship of Equals, S.C.M. Press, 1993.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, Searching the Scriptures, Vol 1, S.C.M. Press, London, 1994.

Some of
Schüssler Fiorenza's publications after Beryl's thesis was prepared:
E. Schüssler Fiorenza, Jesus: Miriam's Child, Sophia's Prophet, S.C.M. Press, 1995.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, Sharing Her Word, Beacon Press, 1999.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, Jesus and the Politics of Interpretation, Continuum, 2000.

E. Schüssler Fiorenza, Wisdom Ways: Introducing Feminist Biblical Interpretation, Orbis, 2001.

J.A. Barr, The Bible in the Modern World, S.C.M. Press, London, 1973/1990.

J.A. Barr, The Scope and Authority of the Bible, Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1980.

J.A. Barr, 'The Bible as a Document of Believing Communities', in H.D. Betz editor, The Bible as a Document of the University, Scholars Press, Chico, CA, 1981.

J.A. Barr, Holy Scripture Canon Authority Criticism, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1983.

H.D. Betz editor, The Bible as a Document of the University, Scholars Press, Chico, CA, 1981.

C.V. Camp, 'Feminist Theological Hermeneutics: Canon and Christian Identity', in E. Schüssler Fiorenza editor, Searching the Scriptures Vol 1, S.C.M. Press, London. 1994, pp 154-171.

K.D. Cannon, 'The Emergence of Black Feminist Consciousness', in L. M. Russell editor, Feminist Interpretation of the Bible, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1985, pp 30-40. 

C.P. Christ & J. Plaskow, Womanspirit Rising, Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1979.

C.P. Christ, 'Embodied Thinking: reflections on feminist theological method' in Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Vol 5, No 1, Spring 1989, pp 7-15.

R. Coggins, 'The Contribution of Women's Studies to Old Testament Studies: a Male Reaction', in Theology, Vol 91, No 739, Jan 1988, pp 5-16.

A.Y. Collins editor, Feminist Perspectives on Biblical Scholarship, Scholars Press, Chico, CA, 1985.

P. Dickey-Young, Feminist Theology/Christian Theology, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 1990.

D.W. Diehl, 'Evangelicalism and General Revelation: an Unfinished Agenda', in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Vol 30, No 4, 1987, pp 441-455.

J. Goldingay, Models for Interpretation of Scripture, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan/Paternoster Press, Carlisle, 1995.

R. M. Grant, A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible, Adam Charles Black, London, 1965.

L. Hogan, From Women's Experience to Feminist Theology, Sheffield Academic Press, 1995.

D.H. Kelsey, The Uses of Scripture in Recent Theology, S.C.M. Press, London, 1975.

G.G. Koontz & W. Swartley editors, Perspectives on Feminist Hermeneutics, Occasional Papers No 10, Institute of Mennonite Studies, Elkhart, 1987.

Kwok Pui Lan, 'The Feminist Hermeneutics of Elizabeth Schüssler Fiorenza: An Asian Feminist Response', in East Asia Journal of Theology, Vol 3, No 2, 1985, pp 147-153.

Kwok Pui Lan, 'Discovering the Bible in the Non-Biblical World', in Semeia 47, 1989, Scholars Press, Atlanta, pp 25-42.

A.L. Laffey, Wives Harlots and Concubines, S.P.C.K., Great Britain, 1990.

J.C. Lambert, 'An "F - Factor"', in Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Vol 1 No 2, Fall 1985, pp 93-113.

A. Lorde,  Sister Outsider, The Crossing Press, Freedom CA., 1984.

F. Martin, The Feminist Question, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1994.

R. Morgan, 'Feminist Theological Interpretation of the New Testament', in J.M. Soskice editor, After Eve, Collins, Marshall Pickering, 1990, pp 10-37.

C. Osiek, 'The Feminist and the Bible: Hermeneutical Alternatives', in A.Y. Collins editor, Feminist Perspectives on Biblical Scholarship, Scholars Press, Chico, CA, pp 93-105.

A. Pears, Towards an Understanding of Feminist Method in Theology: Women's Experience and Authority, PhD Thesis, Nottingham University, 1993.

J. Radcliffe Richards, The Sceptical Feminist, Penguin Books, 1982.

R.R. Ruether & E. McLaughlin editors, Women of Spirit, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1979.

R.R. Ruether, 'Feminism and Patriarchal Religion: Principles of Ideological Critique of the Bible', in Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, No 22, Feb 1982, pp 54-66.

R.R. Ruether, Sexism and God-Talk, S.C.M. Press, London, 1983.

R.R. Ruether, 'The Future of Feminist Theology in the Academy', in Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Vol 53, No 4, Dec 1985, pp 703-713.

R.R. Ruether, 'Feminist Interpretation: a Method of Correlation' in L.M. Russell editor, Feminist Interpretation of the Bible, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1985, pp 111-124.

R.R. Ruether, 'Re-Contextualizing Theology' in Theology Today, Vol 43, April 1986, pp 22-27.

L.M. Russell editor, The Liberating Word, Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1976.

L.M. Russell, 'Authority and the Challenge of Feminist Interpretation', in L. M. Russell editor, Feminist Interpretation of the Bible, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1985, pp 137-146.

L.M. Russell, Household of Freedom, Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1987.

K.D. Sakenfeld, 'Feminist Uses of Biblical Materials', in L.M. Russell editor, Feminist Interpretation of the Bible, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1985, pp 55-64.

J.M. Soskice editor, After Eve, Collins, Marshall Pickering, 1990.

The Bible and Culture Collective, The Postmodern Bible, Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 1995.

A.C. Thiselton, New Horizons in Hermeneutics, Harper Collins, London, 1992.

M.A. Tolbert, 'Defining the Problem: The Bible and Feminist Hermeneutics', in Semeia 28, 1983, Scholars Press, Chico, CA, pp 113-126.

P. Trible, 'Jottings for the Journey' in L.M. Russell editor, Feminist Interpretation of the Bible, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1985, pp 147-149.

P. Trible, 'Five Loaves and Two Fishes: Feminist Hermeneutics and Biblical Theology', in Theological Studies, Vol 50, No 2, June 1989, pp 279-295.

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