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the website for a selection of writing by Stuart and Beryl Donnan
in Southampton UK, and links to the wider Donnan family

Beryl Donnan's major recent academic writing formed part of her MA(Theology) in The University of Manchester.

Sections of Beryl's 1996-7 thesis on

Elizabeth Schüssler Fiorenza
and the "New Magisterium":
Authority in Feminist Biblical Interpretation

can be viewed here.

website updated on 1 January 1970

A small selection of Stuart Donnan's academic writings of fairly general interest can be viewed from the links below.

  • Coronary Heart Disease and Other Mortality in Firefighters in England, 1965-1986:   view here

  • Training for uncertainty — medical education and socio-economic influences on health (Inaugural Lecture 1982):   view here

  • The Right Treatment: technical and ethical dimensions of health care (1995):   view here